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1. 天津市“用三年时间引进千名以上高层次人才”人选

2. 天津市高校“中青年骨干创新人才培养计划”人选

3. 天津市131创新型人才培养工程第层次人选

4. 天津职业技术师范大学优秀青年教师资助计划人选


1. 主持, 清华大学委托技术开发课题“快速热处理过程的温度控制程序”HXJZ220011A0, 2022.01–现今

2. 主持, 天津职业技术师范大学科研项目“一类非线性变量带误差模型的辨识方法研究”(KJ1922, 2019.072021.03

3. 主持, 国家自然科学基金项目“一类噪声有界变量带误差模型的频域鲁棒辨识方法研究”(61203119, 2013.01–2015.12

4. 主持, 中国博士后科学基金项目“一类连续时间变量带误差系统的L2最优辨识方法研究”(2012M520586, 2012.12–2014.12

5. 主持, 天津市高等学校科技发展基金计划项目“基于v-gap 度量优化准则的变量带误差模型的辨识方法研究”(20110834, 2011.11–2013.07

6. 参加,国家重点研发计划项目子课题LED 在心血管系统疾病中的作用机制及应用研究”(2017YFB0403802, 2017.07–2022.06

7. 参加, 国家自然科学基金项目“基于模糊模型的多智能体分布式鲁棒输出调节控制理论及应用研究”(61304153, 2014.01–2016.12

8. 参加, 天津市自然科学基金重点项目“基于LED 光源的人眼视觉光学模型的辨识研究(14JCZDJC36300, 2014.04–2018.08

9. 参加, 天津市自然科学基金项目“多机器人协调控制理论及应用研究”(15JCQNJC04200, 2015.04–2019.03

10. 参加, 教育部社会科学司基金项目“金融波动率的智能预测方法及实证研究”(11YJC790048, 2012.01–2015.10



1. 译著/教材编写

[1] 杨帆, 耿立辉, 倪博溢译. 动态系统辨识: 导论与应用. 机械工业出版社, 2016.

[2] 耿立辉. EIV模型辨识(国家级规划教材第13章编写:萧德云, 系统辨识理论及应用, 清华大学出版社, 2014

2. 期刊论文

[3] Xing Miao-Jie, Geng Li-Hui, Zhang Yong-Li. μ-synthesis of an under-actuated bridge crane. Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, 2024, 26(9): 1319.

[4] Geng Li-Hui, Wills George Adrian, Ninness Brett, Schön Bo Thomas. Smoothed state estimation via efficient solution of linear equations. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2023, 68(10): 58775889.

[5] Geng Li-Hui. An improved computationally efficient identification method for errors in variables models based on v-gap optimization. International Journal of Control, 2019, 92(9): 21502158.

[6] 萧德云, 杨帆, 张益农, 耿立辉. UD分解与偏差补偿结合用于变量带误差模型辨识. 控制理论与应用, 2018, 35(7): 949955.

[7] 耿立辉, 崔世钢, 赵丽. 多输入多输出变量带误差模型的最坏情况频域辨识. 控制理论与应用, 2016, 33(10): 13661372.

[8] Geng Li-Hui, Cui Shi-Gang, Zhao Li, Lin Hai-Qi. A convex optimization algorithm for frequency domain identification in the v-gap metric. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 2015, 29(3): 362371.

[9] Geng Li-Hui, Cui Shi-Gang, Xia Ze-Yu. Error quantification of the normalized right graph symbol for an errors-in-variables system. Control Theory and Technology, 2015, 13(3): 238244.

[10] Geng Li-Hui, Geng Li-Yan, Lu Sheng-Li, Cui Shi-Gang. L-two-optimal identification of MIMO errors-in-variables models from the v-gap geometrical interpretation. International Journal of Control, 2012, 85(7): 898905.

[11] Geng Li-Hui, Xiao De-Yun, Zhang Tao, Song Jing-Yan. Robust control oriented identification of errors-in-variables models based on normalised coprime factors. International Journal of Systems Science, 2012, 43(9): 17411752.

[12] Che Yan-Qiu, Geng Li-Hui, Han Chun-Xiao, Cui Shi-Gang, Wang Jiang. Parameter estimation of the FitzHugh-Nagumo model using noisy measurements for membrane potential. Chaos, 2012, 22(2): 023139.

[13] Geng Li-Hui, Xiao De-Yun, Zhang Tao, Song Jing-Yan. Worst-case identification of errors in variables model in closed loop. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2011, 56(4): 762771.

[14] Geng Li-Hui, Xiao De-Yun, Zhang Tao, Song Jing-Yan, Che Yan-Qiu. L-two-optimal identification of errors-in-variables models based on normalised coprime factors. IET Control Theory and Applications, 2011, 5(11): 12351242.

[15] Geng Li-Hui, Xiao De-Yun, Zhang Tao, Song Jing-Yan. L-two-optimal identification of errors-in-variables models: a frequency-domain approach. Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 2011, 9(4): 553558.

[16] Geng Li-Hui, Xiao De-Yun, Wang Qian, Zhang Tao, Song Jing-Yan. Attitude-control model identification of on-orbit satellites actuated by reaction wheels. Acta Astronautica, 2010, 66(5-6): 714721.

[17] Geng Li-Hui, Xiao De-Yun, Wang Qian, Zhang Tao, Song Jing-Yan. Two-stage identification method for attitude control models of on-orbit satellites. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 2010, 15(3): 319324.

[18] 耿立辉, 萧德云. 输入数据缺失情况下的OE 模型辨识算法研究. 高技术通讯, 2010, 20(3): 279283.

[19] Geng Li-Hui, Zhang Tao, Xiao De-Yun, Song Jing-Yan. Attitude model identification of on-orbit satellites. Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal, 2009, 81(2): 149154.

3. 会议论文

[20] Liu Xiao-You, Bian Yan, Geng Li-Hui. Subspace identification of a MIMO wafer rapid thermal processing system. Proceedings of the 2022 China Automation Congress, 2022, pp. 3711–3715.

[21] Geng Li-Hui, Liu Jin-Cang. Closed-loop indirect identification of a quadrotor generalized attitude model using outdoor flight data. Proceedings of the 40th Chinese Control Conference, 2021, pp. 12711275.

[22] Liu Jin-Cang, Geng Li-Hui. Correlation analysis based direct identification of a quadrotor generalized attitude model using outdoor flight data. Proceedings of the 40th Chinese Control Conference, 2021, pp. 12761280.

[23] Geng Li-Hui, Bayisa Ayele Terefe, Liu Jin-Cang. Subspace identification of closed-loop errors-in-variables systems. Proceedings of the 32nd Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 2020, pp. 15621566.

[24] Geng Li-Hui, Bayisa Ayele Terefe, Liu Jin-Cang. Expectation maximization based FitzHugh-Nagumo model identification under unknown gaussian measurement noise. Proceedings of the 32nd Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 2020, pp. 21672172.

[25] Liu Jin-Cang, Geng Li-Hui. Attitude model identification of a quadrotor using the subspace identification method. Proceedings of the 39th Chinese Control Conference, 2020, pp. 12271232.

[26] Geng Li-Hui, Yang Zhi-Cheng, Zhang Yong-Li. A weighting function design method for the H-infinity loop-shaping design procedure. Proceedings of the 30th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 2018, pp. 4489–4493.

[27] Yang Zhi-Cheng, Geng Li-Hui, Yang Yan. A computationally efficient EIV models identification method using the v-gap metric. Proceedings of the 37th Chinese Control Conference, 2018, pp. 1729–1734.

[28] Geng Li-Hui, Ninness Brett, Wills Adrian George, Schön Thomas Bo. Smoothed state estimation via efficient solution of linear equations. Proceedings of the 20th IFAC World Congress, 2017, 50(1): 16131618.

[29] Geng Li-Hui, Ninness Brett. Identification of nonlinear state-space models using joint state particle smoothing. Proceedings of the 35th Chinese Control Conference, Chengdu, 2016, pp. 21662170.

[30] Geng Li-Hui, Ninness Brett, Xia Ze-Yu. An improved square-root algorithm for RTS Kalman smoothing. Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, 2015, pp. 10321036.

[31] Lin Hai-Qi, Cui Shi-Gang, Geng Li-Hui, Zhang Yong-Li. H-infinity controller design for a ball and plate system using normalized coprime factors. Proceedings of the 26th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 2014, pp. 467472.

[32] Geng Li-Hui, Geng Li-Yan. L-two-optimal identification of MIMO errors-in-variables models. Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering, 2011, pp. 45484551.




留学生:System IdentificationLinear System TheoryState Estimation Theory





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