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姓名:李吉功         性别:男  

学历:博士                      出生年月:1975.11  


毕业院校:天津大学             专业:检测技术与自动化装置  





2007.9—2010. 12,天津大学,控制科学与工程,工学博士

1997. 9—2000.7,兰州理工大学,过程控制与装备,工学硕士

1993.9—1997. 7,兰州理工大学,过程控制与装备,工学学士



2011.3— 现在,天津职业技术师范大学,博彩app,教授

2000.7—20011. 2,兰州理工大学,电气工程与信息工程学院,副教授



1.       Li Ji-Gong, Cao Meng-Li, Meng Qing-Hao. Chemical SourceSearching by Controlling a Wheeled Mobile Robot to Follow an Online PlannedRoute in Outdoor Field Environments. Sensors, 2019, 19(2): 426SCIIF 2.475

2.       Ji-Gong Li, Jing Yang, Jie-Yong Zhou, Jia Liu, Guang-Da Lu.Mapping odour sources with a mobile robot in a time variant airflowenvironment. Austrian Contributions to Veterinary Epidemiology, 2015, 8: 19-25.

3.       Li Ji-Gong, Meng Qing-Hao, Wang Yang, Zeng Ming. Odor sourcelocalization using a mobile robot in outdoor airflow environments with aparticle filter algorithm. Autonomous Robots, 2011, 30(3): 281~292SCIIF 2.033

4.       Li Ji-Gong, Yang Jing, Cui Shi-Gang, Geng Li-Hui. Speedlimitation of a mobile robot and methodology of tracing odor plume in airflowenvironments. Procedia Engineering, 2011, 15, 1041~1045 EI

5.       李吉功, 孟庆浩, 李飞,蒋萍,曾明. 时变流场环境中机器人跟踪气味烟羽方法. 自动化学报, 2009,35(10): 1327~1333EI

6.       Li Ji-Gong, Sun Biao, Zeng Fan-Lin, Liu Jia, Yang Jing, Yang Li.Experimental Study on Multiple Odor Sources Mapping by a Mobile Robot inTime-varying Airflow Environment. Proceedings of the 35th Chinese ControlConference, Chengdu, China: 2016, 6032-6037. EI

7.       Li Ji-Gong, Zhou Jie-Yong, Yang Jing, Liu Jia, Zeng Fan-Lin,Yang Li . Localizing Multiple Odor Sources with A Mobile Robot in Time-varyingAirflow Environments Using Dempster-Shafer Inference. Proceedings of the 34thChinese Control Conference, Hangzhou, China: 2015, 6072-6077. EI

8.       Li Ji-Gong, Zhou Jie-Yong, Sun Biao, Liu Jia, Yang Li. Odorsources mapping with D-S inference in time variant airflow environments via amobile robot. Proceedings of the 5th Annual IEEEInternational Conference on Cyber Technology in Automation, Control andIntelligent Systems, Shenyang, China: 2015, 545-550.EI

9.       Jie-yong Zhou, Ji-gong Li, Shi-gang Cui. A Bionic Plume TracingMethod with a Mobile Robot in Outdoor Time-varying Airflow Environment.Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation,Lijiang, China: 2015. EI

10.   Li Ji-Gong, Yang Jing, Liu Jia, Lu Guang-Da, Yang Li.Odor-source Searching using a Mobile Robot in Time-variant Airflow Environmentswith Obstacles. Proceedings of the 33rd Chinese Control Conference, Nanjing,China: 2014, 8559-8564. EI

11.   Li Ji-Gong, Yang Jing, Yang Li, Liu Jia, Lu Guang-Da. Estimatinga Continuous Odor-patch Path using Discrete Measurements for Odor SourceLocalization. Proceedings of the 32nd Chinese Control Conference, Xi’an, China:2013, 6051-6056. EI

12.   Li Ji-Gong, Meng Qing-Hao, Wang Yang, Zeng Ming. Single OdorSource Declaration in Outdoor Time-variant Airflow Environments. Proceedings ofIEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics. Tianjin, China:IEEE, 2010, 143~148 EI

13.   Li Ji-Gong, Meng Qing-Hao, Li Fei, Zeng Ming, DorinPopescu.Mobile robot based odor source localization via particle filter. Proceedings ofthe 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Shanghai, China: IEEE, 2009,2984~2989EI

14.   Li Ji-Gong, Meng Qing-Hao, Zeng Ming. An estimation-based plumetracing method in time-variant airflow-field via mobile robot. Proceedings ofIEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics. Guilin, China: IEEE,2009, 2249~2254EI

15.   Li Ji-Gong, Meng Qing-Hao, Li Fei, Zhang Ming-Lu. Mobile robotbased odor path estimation via dynamic window approach. Proceedings of IEEEConference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics. Chengdu, China: IEEE,2008, 1173~1178EI





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